dissabte, 22 d’octubre del 2022

Santuari Ōarai Isosaki

El Santuari Ōarai Isosaki és un centre de culte xintoista de la prefectura d'Ibaraki, a la costa central del Pacífic de l'illa de Honshu. El santuari té diverses portes torii, la més famosa de les quals és la Kamiiso Torii, situada a l'est, de cara a l'oceà Pacífic i des d'on es veu el naixement del nou dia, sovint amb colors espectaculars. El santuari va ser establert el 856, destruït al segle XVI i reconstruït el 1690. 
La postal l'ha enviat en Keiji.

1 comentari:

  1. Hi Josep,
    I have a question stemming from your Blog titled Castle of Bouzon, dated 12 Oct. It concerns one of the stamps on the card from Helena. I would like to buy the sheet of stamps showing Nadace Maxove. I have looked online but to no avail. Is there any way you can put me in touch with Helena, or can you ask her on my behalf where she was able to locate this stamp. Here is a link showing the different stamps in the sheet.
    I really want to add the sheet to my collection but I really don't know where to go to find it.
    Thanks for reading and I hope you can help or that Helena can help.
    My email is : glennemoores@gmail.com
    Take care,
